Employee Walmart mp4

"Your usual Mr. Campbell?"Yes please." And would the lady care for a cocktail?Sunny ordered a vodka martini."Does everyone in this town know what you like Bear?" Sunny smiled."Not quite, this is where I usually meet with my dissertation advisor."The waiter returned with their drinks."One Grey Goose Southpaw and a vodka martini for the lady." "What would you care for this evening, Sir, Ma'am?" The Prime Rib is excellent if you are a red meat eater, Sunny." Prime Rib it is then, Rare please." I'll have the same Charles, rarest one they have left."Charles went to place the order and promised to return momentarily with fresh rolls."What is a Southpaw, Bear?" Vodka, Rose's lime juice and cola. I switched to them a couple of years ago." What did you drink before that?" Double Kamakazis on the rocks, my friends kept getting hammered trying to keep up so I switched." So you aren't planning to get me drunk and have your way with me?" Oh, I plan to have my way with you, I just want you sober. June said, "Can I talk to you? Once again, I need your advice on a very special matter." "Sure, just let me get cleaned up. Go relax on the patio and I'll be out in twenty minutes." Well, I did the 'World's Fastest Shower' and clothes change. June was sitting on the patio, still looking very apprehensive. "What is the problem?" "Remember Lori?" Suddenly, my mind went into overdrive. Lori was the woman that June gave the 'beaver shot' in the bar, the lesbian kiss in the rest room, the bi-sexual trip to Tuscon, and the overnight sex toy play-time. I remembered her well. "Yes, why?" "Well, Lori called me and has been emailing me for about a week. It seems that her and Nick are expanding their sexual horizons. To make a long story short, she asked me if we were into trading partners." As June was telling me the story, my mind was way ahead of her. For some reason, I knew what was coming. Once again, I became the reference section of June's sexual library. "So, what have you been telling.
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